Monday, October 02, 2006

Why does one Blog!!

Why does one Blog? Any answers anybody?? I dont really know , but guess when one is getting really bored and has nothing better to do (like me right now) , one Blogs! Well , on a more serious note Blogging serves as a medium to present one's views to the whole world.. So then get ready for some Weird Stuff! Hopefully some good stuff in the offing..Happy Reading..


er2dfw said...

Present your ideas to the whole world?

Now honestly, how many guys read this blog? :P

Prateek Shah said...

well said man well said :P

that really has made me wonder.. Hmmmm ;)

I think i shud do something abt more people reading the blog! :)

Thanks Mr Future :)

tunia said...

My space helps me unwind and also align my thoughts.
Really helps keep me sane! :)

ps: Make the comments open for all and moderate them so you can keep track of the comments people leave even in older posts.

Shine Kapoor said...

My blog is my window facing the world!! Perhaps thats why I blog~